Alhamdulillah, all praise is due to Allah, by whose leave and facilitation we managed to establish Yayasan Pendidikan Khalifah (YPK) as a progression of the Khalifah Institute, a private charitable trust founded by the late Prof Dr Muhammad Al-Mahdi in 2004 (may Allah have mercy on him).
The main objective of YPK is to receive and manage funds for the purpose of spreading knowledge of the Khalifah Method and its application to all levels of society particularly in family and educational institutions, so we may achieve victory in this world and the Hereafter.

YPK’s main project has been the establishment of two schools, namely Khalifah Model School (Primary) in 2006 followed by Khalifah Model School (Secondary) in 2012. The specialty of these schools lies in the Khalifah Method being comprehensively used by all teachers in educating the students to achieve excellence in academics, character, and spirituality. Through this method, students will develop a deep love for Allah and Islam, and will be naturally inclined to do good and abstain from wrong, besides being taught to become people of deep learning and understanding (Ulul Albab).

"It is YPK’s hope that by 2020, both the primary and secondary Khalifah Model Schools will become premier integrated Islamic schools accessible to all students."

Besides the school project, YPK has also established the Khalifah Training Academy which is responsible for developing the Khalifah Method training module and conducting training programmes to be shared with as many people as possible.
A project of this nature most definitely requires a lot of funds and the involvement of many parties to be successful. YPK welcomes the participation of NGOs and corporate bodies as well as members of the public to help us make this charitable project a success. May our sincere efforts be blessed and accepted by Allah Most Glorious and may He reward abundantly all those involved in making this project a success.

May our sincere efforts be blessed and accepted by Allah Most Glorious and may He reward abundantly all those involved in making this project a success.

Dr. Alini Marzuki

Chairman, Board of Trustee

Yayasan Pendidikan Khalifah

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